Data analyst skilled in Excel, SQL, Power BI, Python @aLinkedIn
student at University of Johannesburg currently doing bachelors of science in mathematical science and applied mathematics .

November 23, 2024 {date completed}

The main goal of this project was to learn how to integrate SQL with Python, build effective reports, and utilize libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn to visualize the data. The second part of the project focused on learning how to create views in MySQL and present information to users without exposing personal data.


  • March 21, 2024 {date completed}

    "🖼️ Famous Paintings"

    SQL Case study in which we shall download a dataset from Kaggle and then upload it to a MYSQL database using Python. We shall then analyze the data and solve 20+ SQL queries. The aim is to practice basic to intermediate SQL problems.

    The dataset we use is the famous paintings dataset taken from Kaggle. We use a simple Python script to upload data from CSV files to MYSQL database tables. We then use SQL queries to answer over 20 problems related to the famous paintings dataset..

    March 12, 2024 {date completed}

    SQL Interview

    A ski resort company is planning to construct a new ski slope using a pre-existing network of mountain huts and trails between them. A new slope has to begin at one of the mountain huts, have a middle station at another hut connected with the first one by a direct trail, and end at the third mountain hut which is also connected by a direct trail to the second hut. The altitude of the three huts chosen for constructing the ski slope has to be strictly decreasing..

    March 23, 2024

    SQL Interview Queries #5

    1.In MySQL, you cannot directly use INSERT within a WITH clause (also known as Common Table Expression or CTE). INSERT statements are separate SQL commands and cannot be nested within other SQL constructs like CTEs. However, you can use a subquery to achieve a similar effect. Here's how you can rewrite your query without using a CTE:

    2.You can't directly replicate the crosstab function as it's specific to some databases like PostgreSQL. However, you can achieve similar functionality using conditional aggregation. Here's how you can rewrite the query in MySQL:

    March 22, 2024


    My objective is to perform data exploration utilizing MySQL, specifically by dissecting the COVID-19 dataset. I'll be employing beginner to intermediate SQL queries for this purpose.